Quantum – Thursday, September 12, 2024: Notable and Interesting News, Articles, and Papers

An advanced quantum computer

A selection of the most important recent news, articles, and papers about Quantum.

General News, Articles, and Analyses

1. Kipu Quantum Team Says New Quantum Algorithm Outshines Existing Techniques


Matt Swayne

(Monday, September 9, 2024) “Kipu Quantum-led team of researchers announced the successful testing of what they’re labeling the largest quantum optimization problem on a digital quantum computer. They suggest that this is the start of the commercial quantum advantage era.”

2. Q-CTRL Integrates Fire Opal with Four Leading Quantum Computing Hardware Platforms to Deliver Unprecedented Capabilities to End Users | Q-CTRL


(Tuesday, September 10, 2024) “Q-CTRL, the global leader in quantum infrastructure software, today announced that its performance-management software, Fire Opal, will be natively integrated into four of the world’s most advanced quantum computing platforms — IBM Quantum services, Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services (QCS®), Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC) Cloud QCaaS devices, and Diraq’s Silicon quantum processors.”

3. Gaming Meets Quantum Computing; ‘A New Frontier’


Berenice Baker

(Wednesday, September 11, 2024) “London-based startup Moth is building a team that aims to revolutionize computer gaming by using quantum computing’s ability to generate totally random numbers and solve complex problems. Moth recently recruited James Wootton, formerly of IBM Research, as chief science officer, a quantum gaming pioneer bringing expertise in quantum error correction.”

4. Nu Quantum appoints Dr. Bob Sutor, Former IBM Quantum Leader, as NED and announces US expansion


(Wednesday, September 11, 2024) “Nu Quantum, the leading quantum entanglement startup, has appointed Dr. Bob Sutor as a non-executive director (NED) on its board of directors. Dr. Sutor was a leader in IBM’s world-leading quantum efforts over his 39 year career at the company and is regarded as a leader of the quantum industry in the United States and elsewhere. His appointment comes as Nu Quantum expands into the US market and looks to push the quantum industry into its next phase of scalable networking towards greater commercialization.”

5. Quandela announces the launching of its Canadian subsidiary, Quandela Canada


(Wednesday, September 11, 2024) “Quandela, European leader in photonic quantum computing, announces the launch of its Canadian subsidiary, Quandela Canada, in Montreal. This marks a key step in the company’s international expansion, which is accompanied by the deployment of the first European quantum computer on North American soil, at the Bellevue Data Centre operated by Exaion, a subsidiary of Groupe EDF. This deployment is a major step forward in the realization of the partnership signed in November 2023 between Quandela and Exaion.”

Technical Papers, Articles, and Preprints

1. Hamiltonian dynamics on digital quantum computers without discretization error | npj Quantum Information


Authors: Granet, Etienne and Dreyer, Henrik

(Saturday, September 7, 2024) “We introduce an algorithm to compute expectation values of time-evolved observables on digital quantum computers that requires only bounded average circuit depth to reach arbitrary precision, i.e. produces an unbiased estimator with finite average depth. This finite depth comes with an attenuation of the measured expectation value by a known amplitude, requiring more shots per circuit.”

2. [2409.06989] Realization of Constant-Depth Fan-Out with Real-Time Feedforward on a Superconducting Quantum Processor


Authors: Song, Yongxin; Beltrán, Liberto; Besedin, Ilya; Kerschbaum, Michael; Pechal, Marek; Swiadek, François; Hellings, Christoph; Zanuz, Dante Colao; Flasby, Alexander; Besse, Jean-Claude; and Wallraff, Andreas

(Wednesday, September 11, 2024) “When using unitary gate sequences, the growth in depth of many quantum circuits with output size poses significant obstacles to practical quantum computation. The quantum fan-out operation, which reduces the circuit depth of quantum algorithms such as the quantum Fourier transform and Shor’s algorithm, is an example that can be realized in constant depth independent of the output size. Here, we demonstrate a quantum fan-out gate with real-time feedforward on up to four output qubits using a superconducting quantum processor. By performing quantum state tomography on the output states, we benchmark our gate with input states spanning the entire Bloch sphere. We decompose the output-state error into a set of independently characterized error contributions. We extrapolate our constant-depth circuit to offer a scaling advantage compared to the unitary fan-out sequence beyond 25 output qubits with feedforward control, or beyond 17 output qubits if the classical feedforward latency is negligible. Our work highlights the potential of mid-circuit measurements combined with real-time conditional operations to improve the efficiency of complex quantum algorithms.”

3. [2409.06919] A Comprehensive Cross-Model Framework for Benchmarking the Performance of Quantum Hamiltonian Simulations


Authors: Chatterjee, Avimita; Rappaport, Sonny; Giri, Anish; Johri, Sonika; Proctor, Timothy; Neira, David E. Bernal; Sathe, Pratik; and Lubinski, Thomas

(Wednesday, September 11, 2024) “Quantum Hamiltonian simulation is one of the most promising applications of quantum computing and forms the basis for many quantum algorithms. Benchmarking them is an important gauge of progress in quantum computing technology. We present a methodology and software framework to evaluate various facets of the performance of gate-based quantum computers on Trotterized quantum Hamiltonian evolution. We propose three distinct modes for benchmarking: (i) comparing simulation on a real device to that on a noiseless classical simulator, (ii) comparing simulation on a real device with exact diagonalization results, and (iii) using scalable mirror circuit techniques to assess hardware performance in scenarios beyond classical simulation methods. We demonstrate this framework on five Hamiltonian models from the HamLib library: the Fermi and Bose-Hubbard models, the transverse field Ising model, the Heisenberg model, and the Max3SAT problem. Experiments were conducted using Qiskit‘s Aer simulator, BlueQubit‘s CPU cluster and GPU simulators, and IBM‘s quantum hardware. Our framework, extendable to other Hamiltonians, provides comprehensive performance profiles that reveal hardware and algorithmic limitations and measure both fidelity and execution times, identifying crossover points where quantum hardware outperforms CPU/GPU simulators.”